Re-post from Mare Simone


Four Pillars for Great Sex

It's a well-known fact and often a source of great frustration among lovers that men and women have different sexual cycles.Men are hardwired to reach a climax quickly in order to procreate... women on the other hand have a capacity for expanded states of prolonged sexual pleasure and therefore their sexual nature is slow to ignite and can burn significantly longer. This usually leaves a sense of dissatisfaction in bed for both partners.
Fret no longer because tantra has a perfect solution to bring together these oppositions in order to create perfect harmony, in and out of bed. Here are some Tantric tips that can bring you more in alignment with one another that will help resolve the battle before it begins.
1. Create a sacred space for loving: turn off the TV, phones and other distractions. Put on some slow, sensual music and soft lighting a few candles can create a sensual ambience designed to relax and put you in an open frame of mind. Draw a nice warm bath or shower together to wash away the stresses of the day.Creating an environment for loving can make a world of difference for both parties. And be sure to designate enough time to connect, setting the intention for making love a celebration and it surely will.
2. Breathe deeply. Looking into one another's eyes synchronize your breath while you caress... awareness of your breath in unison with your partner harmonizes your heart rate so you can begin to feel what your partner is feeling. Make love as a communion of souls becoming one. When your breath is in harmony with your partners, your awareness will become an open gateway to share the most intimate connection. The more you breathe, the more you'll feel!
3. Express your feelings of pleasure: moaning and sweet sighs while you embrace can open a direct channel of communication that can profoundly affect the mood. Keeping your feelings to yourself while remaining silent during lovemaking inhibits the passion between you. Don't worry about waking up the neighbors or your children; the sound of love is music to the soul.
4. Move slowly -- feel every nuance of deliciousness between you, especially during intercourse. As pleasure increases, rather than following the instinct of charging to the finish, deliberately feel more and find a rhythm that satisfies both partners. For men who have a tendency to come sooner than they would like to, allow your woman to take the lead and put your attention on what she's experiencing. You will both be more satisfied and it can definitely help a man to delay his urge to release.
Becoming skilled in these ways can provide a whole new realm of connection between you which can allow a man to become multi-orgasmic by following his woman's lead. As you feel her pleasure quicken, remain slow and deliberate until she urges you on. And remember to breathe deeply in order to expand every sensation explode into pure bliss!
We all have a tendency to hold our breath at the edge of orgasm.Breathing deeply and sighs of pleasure at this time can allow the sensations to spread throughout the entire body, filling you both with rejuvenating life-forces. The afterglow will linger for days!
Mare Simone CTE

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